The Karnataka delivery branch has cracked down on app-based bike-taxi service Rapido for jogging, an illegal service in the city. Officials stated they’d additionally be filing a police complaint in opposition to the enterprise. This comes a week after the kingdom delivery authority fined Ola ₹15 lakh for running motorcycle taxis illegally. Ola has since stopped the provider but has petitioned the Karnataka High Court towards the country shipping branch for the non-issuance of a license to operate -wheeler taxis. Ola additionally sought to ban all motorcycle taxi services until such allows are issued.
“We had issued notices to Rapido directing the business enterprise to, without delay, droop the motorbike taxi offerings. The department isn’t pleased with their reaction and could be taking felony steps to ensure they prevent the operations,” Narendra Holkar, extra commissioner of delivery, told ET.
As of Friday, the branch seized at least 170 Rapido motorbike taxis. Narendra Kumar, Joint Commissioner (Enforcement), said 24 motorcycles had been taken on Wednesday, even as 18 more were seized on Thursday. “We are submitting a free sheet in that instance, es and the registration certificate of the bikes can also be confiscated,” he stated.
The police case will likely be booked at the Koramangala Police Station. “While the seizure will hold, we will ebook a case opposing Rapido for allowing whiteboard two-wheelers for business functions. This is in opposition to the Motor Vehicle Act. Drivers have refrained from working in their platform additionallyrm,” he introduced.
Meanwhile, the country transport authority is predicted to levy a penalty on Rapido as it did in the case of Ola on March 25. As the branch had seized 250 vehicles attached to Ola, an exceptional amount of ₹6,000 became imposed on every car, taking the total pleasant amount to ₹15 lakh. Officials have the strength to levy between ₹5,000 to ₹10,000 per offense on those who violate the Motor Vehicle Act. Rapido did not respond to EET’s queries.