Easy-peasy new Office for Aging website

by Marie Rodriguez

The Clinton County Office for the Aging’s new and improved website is one of today’s tech updates through the government IT Department. The site went live on April 10 and was ushered in using the now-retired Office for the Aging director Crystal Carter. Her ultimate day became March 29 after 17 years of being a provider.

Easy-peasy new Office for Aging website 3

Crystal labored with them to replace this to make it simpler to use and easier to search for us,” stated Darleen Collins, administrative assistant. My favorite part is that it will arise when you search for the Office for the Aging. It looks a lot cleaner and simpler to locate objects on there. A menu container at the left facet of the web page gives links to “Office for the Aging Home,” “Services for the Aging,” and “Advisory Council.

Contribution Policy,” “Benefits Checkup,” and “Snapshots. Services for the Aging” hyperlinks to an array of services, inclusive of “Benefits Counseling,” “Caregiver Services,” “In-home Service,” “Legal Assistance Program,” “Nutrition Services,” “Outreach Services (JCEO Senior Outreach web page),” “Transportation,” and “Wellness and Recreation.”


A click on “Benefits Counseling” will navigate the person to data on and links to “Elderly Pharmaceutical Insurance Coverage (EPIC),” “Health Insurance Information,” “Counseling and Assistance Program (HIICAP),” “Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)” and “Life Line Telephone Discount.

The offerings are funded via a cooperative attempt using the Office for the Aging, the New York State Office for the Aging, and client contributions. “We continually need to make certain that humans recognize they can contribute the services, and it’s voluntary and confidential to contribute,” Collins said.

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